Building A Modern Sales & Marketing Machine

What is the New Enterprise Marketing Playbook?

Posted by Phil Harrell

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Mar 3, 2014 3:41:12 PM


The way your buyers purchase products today is fundamentally different than it was 10 years ago.  Has your marketing playbook changed as well, or does it look very similar to how it did 10 years ago? This Slideshare presentation will explain very clearly how your buyer has changed, what the implications are of these changes, and what you as an Enterprise marketing executive can do about it.

Many Enterprises are still relying on outdated, interruption based marketing methods that are no longer effective given technologies that buyers have to block unwanted messages.  It is time for Enterprises to adopt a new marketing playbook to modernize their marketing. What is the new Enterprise marketing playbook?


Executive Inbound Marketing

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Building A Modern Sales & Marketing Machine

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