This post originally appeared on the Sales Section of the Inbound Hub.
Posted by Phil Harrell
Apr 3, 2014 11:30:00 AM
I've been very fortunate in my career to work for several Enterprise tech start ups that experienced rapid growth-HubSpot, Akamai (NASDAQ: AKAM), Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA)-and I get asked all the time what are the key similarities between them.
Topics: CMO/VP Marketing, VP Sales, CEO
Posted by Phil Harrell
Mar 3, 2014 8:04:37 AM
According to a recent study by the Aberdeen Group, companies with strong sales and marketing alignment achieve 20% annual revenue growth while companies with poor sales and marketing alignment see a 4% decline in annual revenue growth. This Slideshare presentation will outline clearly to Enterprise sales and marketing executives how to achieve tight Enterprise sales and marketing alignment so that they can maximize revenue.
Topics: CMO/VP Marketing, VP Sales
It's that time of year-you're frantically trying to close business to make your Q4 number while getting through 2014 budget planning. It has been a rough year-although you have a shot at making your Q4 number, you're going to miss your annual quota and you're thinking to yourself, "my sales are down-what do I do?." Even worse, your CEO and CFO are expecting robust growth from you and your team in 2014. How are you going to get there?
Topics: VP Sales
This blog is for CEOs, Sales and Marketing Executives who are interested in transforming their sales & marketing machine to align with how B2B buyers buy today.