The majority of Enterprise CMOs I meet with are struggling to transform their marketing teams from product centric to customer focused organizations. There is a world of difference between the two.
The majority of Enterprise CMOs I meet with are struggling to transform their marketing teams from product centric to customer focused organizations. There is a world of difference between the two.
Topics: CMO/VP Marketing
Posted by Phil Harrell
Apr 3, 2014 11:30:00 AM
I've been very fortunate in my career to work for several Enterprise tech start ups that experienced rapid growth-HubSpot, Akamai (NASDAQ: AKAM), Pegasystems (NASDAQ: PEGA)-and I get asked all the time what are the key similarities between them.
Topics: CMO/VP Marketing, VP Sales, CEO
The way your buyers purchase products today is fundamentally different than it was 10 years ago. Has your marketing playbook changed as well, or does it look very similar to how it did 10 years ago? This Slideshare presentation will explain very clearly how your buyer has changed, what the implications are of these changes, and what you as an Enterprise marketing executive can do about it.
Topics: CMO/VP Marketing
Posted by Phil Harrell
Mar 3, 2014 8:04:37 AM
According to a recent study by the Aberdeen Group, companies with strong sales and marketing alignment achieve 20% annual revenue growth while companies with poor sales and marketing alignment see a 4% decline in annual revenue growth. This Slideshare presentation will outline clearly to Enterprise sales and marketing executives how to achieve tight Enterprise sales and marketing alignment so that they can maximize revenue.
Topics: CMO/VP Marketing, VP Sales
Your CEO is demanding to know the ROI of your marketing spend. And you know your CEO doesn't want to hear fluffy stats like number of likes you’ve been able to acquire on Facebook. She wants hard data on the efficacy of the company's marketing investment-"Is it working?", "Are we improving our ROI on marketing dollars?", "How many leads are we getting for the money we're spending"-and wants proof of the contribution you and your team are making to the revenue growth of the company.
Do you have the data? If not, how are you going to capture the data and what metrics are you going to use to prove to your CEO and your peers on the executive team that you and your team are impacting the bottom line?
Topics: CMO/VP Marketing
It's that time of year-2014 budget planning has taken over your life. Both your CEO & CFO are pushing back on your 2014 marketing budget requests because they don't think the marketing dollars you spent in 2013 worked.
They're asking tough questions about what return on investment the company received for the 2013 investment in marketing-questions for which you don't have great answers:
Topics: CMO/VP Marketing
This blog is for CEOs, Sales and Marketing Executives who are interested in transforming their sales & marketing machine to align with how B2B buyers buy today.